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Uniswap is one of the most popular decentralized exchanges (DEXs) built on the Ethereum blockchain. It pioneered the Automated Market Maker (AMM) model, which has since become a cornerstone of decentralized finance (DeFi). Here are key aspects of Uniswap:

  1. Automated Market Maker (AMM): Uniswap operates without traditional order books. Instead, it uses liquidity pools where users can swap ERC-20 tokens directly from their wallets. The pricing of assets in these pools is determined algorithmically based on the ratio of tokens deposited.
  2. Liquidity Pools: Liquidity providers (LPs) contribute tokens to Uniswap’s liquidity pools and earn a portion of the trading fees generated by transactions in those pools. LPs receive pool tokens representing their share of the liquidity provided.
  3. UNI Token: UNI is the governance and utility token of Uniswap. It was launched in September 2020 through a community airdrop to users who had interacted with Uniswap before a certain date. UNI holders have voting rights on protocol upgrades, fee adjustments, and other governance proposals.
  4. Governance: Uniswap operates as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), where protocol decisions are made by UNI token holders through a decentralized governance process. This allows for community-driven development and evolution of the platform.
  5. Version 3 (V3): Uniswap V3, launched in May 2021, introduced concentrated liquidity, allowing LPs to concentrate their liquidity within a customizable price range. This aims to improve capital efficiency and reduce slippage for traders.
  6. Ecosystem and Impact: Uniswap has had a significant impact on the growth of decentralized finance (DeFi) by providing a user-friendly and permissionless platform for token swaps. It has also inspired the development of numerous other AMM-based protocols and contributed to the liquidity and usability of Ethereum-based tokens.
  7. Security and Audits: Uniswap places a strong emphasis on security and has undergone multiple audits to ensure the integrity and safety of its protocol. Users are encouraged to exercise caution and perform due diligence when interacting with DeFi protocols.
    • Launch Date: November 2018
    • Protocol: Automated market maker (AMM)
    • Key Features: Permissionless, users can swap ERC-20 tokens directly from their wallets, liquidity providers earn fees
    • Notable Tokens: UNI token for governance and liquidity incentives

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